Managing short term absence is a very important and crucial task in good Human Resource Management. There are some essential points which must be completed to ensure a fair, legal and professional approach is used. These points must be used consistently, 100% of the time.
Our 10 Steps to Managing Short Term Absence.
- Notification procedures – Ensure your organisation has an effective procedure to follow to call in sick.
- Act promptly. – On all the below points.
- Find out the cause and keep a record
- Pay (SSP correctly) and any related company sickness payments.
- Identify any work-related factors.
- Incentivise attendance – In some industries this may not be best practice.
- Keep in touch with those absent – Simply talk to your employees.
- Return to work interviews – These can be relatively informal, but documented.
- Be clear about what improvement is required if applicable.
- Consider a formal procedure if no improvement if seen.
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General Information
Managing short term absence – If an employee is absent for seven days or more, they are required to provide their employer with a fit note from a medical practitioner. This will most likely be their GP, but could be a hospital or other doctor.
Employees can return to work before a fit note comes to an end, if they feel well enough to do so. They do not need to return to the doctor to be told that they are fit for work. If you have any concerns about the ability of employees to return to work you can ask them for permission to contact their doctor or ask them to attend an assessment with a company doctor.
It might be appropriate to make adjustments to the work to allow the employee to return to work.
Need assistance in this area?
If you need letters and forms to help you manage short term absence; communicate with employees regarding absence in general, fit notes and returning to work we can provide them for you. We can also provide a comprehensive HR advice and guidance service in the managing short term absence, or any other HR related matter.
FREE HR Forms for you to consider:
In this post, we have provided two HR forms for you to download for free. It is essential that those using them have a good general understanding of HR management. If your staff need training in this area we are able to conduct some for you.
- Checklist for conducting a return to work interview.
2. Absence Recording Form.
Paul Deaves. Assoc. CIPD.
Managing Director.
Tel: 01352 781965 | Email:
A member of the Professional Body for HR and People Development.
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