Welcome to the Hive... Here's what we can do for you. We're ready, when you are.
Health & Safety, First Aid, HR Services & Training
Supporting your business to build legally-compliant and safe systems with happy and productive teams.
The Hive Collaborative offers professional & personalised services in H&S, HR, Employment Law, Occupational Health Screening and OH Management Referrals. All of our services are delivered by experienced, highly-motivated and committed professionals. We also offer an extensive range of e-learning courses in Safety; including Fire Warden, Manual Handling, COSHH, HAVS, Abrasive Wheels, Working at Height or Confined Spaces, the full range of Food Safety courses and many more. Click here to go to our Health & Safety e-Learning page.
Our company name, the Hive Collaborative was chosen by our team to represent a collaboration of experts, all working together to achieve one goal, which is the successful completion of the project you assign us to. This reminds us of ‘bees in a hive’.
Our service offerings of, “professional advice, user friendly technology and practical hands-on consultancy and training” will empower you to manage all of your safety and human resource challenges. Therefore enabling you to concentrate more on achieving your commercial objectives.
Health & Safety Consultancy & Training
We provide a Health & Safety Consultancy service to a wide range of businesses. These comprise sole traders, SMEs to PLCs organisations.
We also offer face to face, virtual and online (H&S e-Learning) Health & Safety training. This includes:
- IOSH Managing Safely, (Face to Face & Virtual);
- H&S Manager Training, COSHH, Manual Handling, Fire Safety & Warden Training (Face to Face & e-Learning);
- Working at Height, HACCP Level 2, Behavioural Safety, Noise Awareness (e-Learning).
Find out more about our Health & Safety Consultancy & Training

HR Consultancy & Training
HR Management is a time-consuming and difficult job for small to medium sized businesses that don’t have the luxury of in-house HR Professionals. Are you?
- Faced with difficult people management problems ; grievance or disciplinary, conflict at work and getting worried and struggling with the complexities of employment law?
- Having to conduct an Employee Investigation? Concerned about Tribunals?
- Need to reduce your time spent on day to day HR tasks and duties?
- Unsure how to handle sickness absence & other HR requests?
- Knowing when to ask for help from another professional, e.g., a Mediator or Occupational Health service?
- Thinking to implement a GDPR compliant HR / Staff Portal? Yes, then click here for our HR Management Service.
Occupational Health & Screening
- Health surveillance & screening including:
- Basic & Safety Critical workplace medicals
- Respiratory health checks (spirometry)
- Audiometry & vision testing;
- Drug & alcohol screening.
- Management Referrals:
- Where there are concerns that a health problem could be affecting an employee’s ability to do their job, or that work could be affecting a member of staff’s health a referral to OH for advice and assistance in managing such concerns effectively, should be made.
Find out more about our Occupational Health & Screening Service

Online Learning
We have an extensive suite of Approved online learning modules. Approvals by IOSH, CPD, IIRSM.
Health & Safety Modules: Including: Abrasive wheel, Behavioural Safety, COSHH, Fire Warden, HAVS, Manual Handling.
HR Modules: Including: Conflict Resolution, Developing Good Employee Relations, Developing Teamwork, Equality, Diversity and Discrimination, Managing Occupational Health & Wellbeing, Sexual Harassment and The Principles of Performance Management.
Health & Social Care Modules: Including: Awareness courses in Autism, Dementia, Diabetes, Epilepsy & Strokes, Moving & Handling People and Safeguarding Adults & Children.
First Aid Training in Deeside, North Wales & Cheshire
Ofqual Approved, Qualsafe First Aid Training in Deeside, North Wales – Our courses can be conducted on site with you (subject to numbers), or at our first aid training centre in Deeside. All of our First Aid trainers are clinically qualified with acute emergency medical backgrounds. This level of experience is not a requirement for a First Aid trainer but we have sought the most highly knowledgeable and competent healthcare professionals to provide the best quality of training possible. They all hold current and relevant qualifications in teaching and training. We also deliver courses during out of hours, e.g. evenings and weekends.
BEWARE – Fully online first aid courses do not meet HSE requirements for first aid training provision. This is because fully compliant first aid training courses must contain practical assessed elements, such as CPR.

First Aid at Work (FAW) £235+VAT
This is the full, industry standard, First Aid at Work Training (FAW) course. Traditionally this is a three day, face to face course. However, we complete it via blended learning – 1 day online at your own convenience / 2 days in the classroom.
This is the First Aid at Work course you will need to book if your workplace, environment, event, etc. is classified as high risk, e.g. hot work, manufacturing, construction sites, farming, fishing and forestry or sites with mobile plant.
Group prices from £141 per person. Click here for more info.

Emergency First Aid at Work £99+VAT
This is the industry standard, Emergency First Aid at Work Training (EFAW) course. Sometimes it’s referred to as the 1 day first aid course. This is the ideal course for your ‘Appointed Person’
This is the EFAW course you will need to book if your workplace, environment, event, etc. is classified as low risk, with less than 25 people e.g. a small office. It will give delegates (your nominated first aider) the confidence and ability to deal with emergency first aid situations.
Group prices from £70 per person. Click here for more info.

First Aid Annual Refresher £60+VAT
As an employer, you are legally obliged to ensure that your first aiders are competent and maintain their essential skills throughout the three year certification period in which their certificates are valid for.
Therefore, this course is the essential choice for people who currently hold a valid First Aid at Work (FAW) training (FAW) or Emergency First Aid at Work Training (EFAW) qualification to ensure their skills & abilities and confidence are up to date and ready as required!
Group prices from £85 per person. Click here for more info.

First Aid Requalification Course £150+VAT
The industry standard, First Aid at Work Requalification course to keep your FAW valid.
It is delivered as a 2 day blended learning course. The equivalent to 1 day will be undertaken by the candidate completing an online module while the other 1 day will be in a classroom setting, face-to-face. Tip:
We recommend all holders of FAW certificates pop a reminder in their diaries so they remember to ensure their qualification remains valid.
Group prices from £85 per person. Click here for more info.