Covid-19 Course Procedures
Last updated 15 JUNE 2023
Please do not attend your course if you are feeling at all unwell . We would also appreciate it if you are able to take a LFT within 24 hours of attending your course. If you have tested positive using a LFT or PCR Covid test recently, please contact us to discuss your situation prior to attending the course.
Attending your face-to-face course
There will be hand sanitisers available, please use on arrival and frequently throughout your visit.
We kindly request that you keep your distance from other attendees wherever practicable during the duration of your course.
If you are attending a course or a meeting, seating will be spaced 1.5m to 2m apart.
First Aid Courses
Although you may have completed first aid theory online before attending your course, there still remain practical elements that are essential to be practiced face-to-face. For these practical elements, please rest assured that a thorough Covid Risk Assessment has been undertaken. Based on these results and the First Aid Quality Partnership update in April 2022 on delivering first aid during the continuing pandemic, please note the following:
- Every attendee will receive an individual manikin to practice CPR during their course in addition to a face-shield.
- All manikins are cleaned thoroughly after use
- New bandages and slings will be provided to each individual candidate.
- Adequate ventilation will be present in line with HSE guidance
- The training will include protocols for PPE and adaptations to CPR if a casualty has a known or suspected Covid infection (as advised by Resuscitation Council UK)
We want our attendees to feel comfortable during their course, therefore if there are any elements you would like to discuss, please give us a call on 01352 781965 or email