AED (Defibrillator) / CPR training
AED (Defibrillator) / CPR training – Certificate valid for 3 years. This AED (Defibrillator) / CPR training course is available to individuals and businesses in North Wales, Cheshire and the North West. Open courses are conducted at our training venue at Hive Collaborative, Prospect House, Factory Road, Sandycroft, Deeside. CH5 2QJ. We can also deliver the training at your venue if you have multiple candidates that require training.
CPR & Cardiac Arrests
Cardiac arrests can happen to anyone. Seconds really matter! If a cardiac arrest does happen it’s essential those around act quickly, in a correct and calm manner. Defibrillators (AEDs) are proven to save lives. They are an essential addition to any organisation, or communities health and safety / first aid provision. If you already have a defibrillator in your workplace, that’s brilliant. You may know, they are simple to use, and no prior training is necessary to use one. We do however recommend first aiders, and other employees conduct AED training so they are comfortable and familiar with the device and confident to act calmly in the event of an emergency.
This is a half day course, for over 16’s, covering how to safely and correctly use a Automated External Defibrillation (AED) unit. It will give delegates the ability and confidence to act promptly and effectively if someone in the workplace or community setting has a cardiac arrest. Delegates will also learn how to perform effective CPR, and manage the casualty until the emergency services arrive.
Community Defibrillator Training
We also offer free community training AED (Defibrillator) / CPR training throughout North Wales, Cheshire and the North West. Watch our News and social media pages for further information on this.
Click here to book this course at our venue, or use the below link to book an inhouse AED (Defibrillator) / CPR training.
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