As a practicing GP I am already seeing the impact that the worsening cost of living crisis is having in our community. As an employer you are likely to see the effects on your workforce. Stress, anxiety and depression can affect any of your employees. Leading to poor performance disharmony in teams, increased sickness absence and an increase in staff turnover. A poll by Ciphr of over 1000 adults in the UK demonstrated that two in three people (68%) have felt stressed or overwhelmed at times during the last few months because of increases to their cost of living. 47% had
Read more →HR in 2022 What’s coming for HR in 2022? Certainly a question most HR managers, business owners and other managers are thinking about right now. Especially so with news of the relaxed restrictions, which will most likely offer a different set of challenges to us all, e.g. following risk assessment, will you still need to impose isolation for positive cases? The Covid pandemic thrusted HR departments into the spotlight during 2020 and 2021. Those businesses with and without HR departments saw their HR and line manager roles’ workload increase considerably with lots of unneeded pressure and stress. We’re still seeing
Read more →Unvaccinated employees and pay Concerned about reducing sick pay for the unvaccinated employees? Employers across the UK are experiencing problems with staffing levels due to self-isolation absences. Many are having to take action to mitigate the impact this is having on their business including introducing measures to discourage the absences in the first place. Employers are under no obligation to maintain full pay for periods of self-isolation (unless contracts provide this); they only have to meet SSP requirements for eligible employees. Reducing sick pay may make employees consider their activities outside of the workplace, including going to large events, night
Read more →Increasing workloads. That’s a term most of us hear every day, especially in recent times with the uncertainty, changing guidance and general pressure resulting from the Covid-19 pandemic. This heavy workload is increasing the prevalence of another term, burnout. In recognition of the potentially debilitating effects of burnout, the World Health Organisation (WHO) included the term in the eleventh revision of the International Classification of Diseases (ICD-11), meaning as of 2020 it is a globally recognised international condition. According to the WHO, common symptoms of burnout include: feelings of energy depletion or mental exhaustion increased mental distance from one’s job
Read more →Acas, the Advisory, Conciliation and Arbitration Service has published guidance to assist employers who are considering whether hybrid working could be an viable option for their workplace and, if so, how to introduce it fairly. Many businesses in Flintshire and North Wales have approached us for advice on how to implement hybrid working measures. And also, how to remain without them. It’s not a simple process to implement hybrid working as it looks. I set out in this article some of the pro’s and con’s which the world of work may face over the next decade. In North Wales, we
Read more →Job Retention Scheme (JRS) On the 30th September, the Job Retention Scheme (JRS) is due to end. There has been a reduction in the overall number of collective redundancies. However, it is thought that we will see an increase in unfair dismissal claims as furlough schemes come to end. For advice on how to act correctly if you have concerns, and will potentially face issues regards this, contact us for more information asap. Judicial review into mandatory vaccinations in care homes There has been progress on the judicial review into mandatory vaccinations in care homes. The key challenges which are
Read more →The Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) has recently joined the Employers’ Initiative on Domestic Abuse (EIDA) as a Beacon member and called on more organisations to follow suit. EIDA Beacon’s increase the support for their employees, who may have been victims, or be at risk of domestic abuse. Resources and advice are available, as well as an heightened awareness amongst managers and staff of the signs of domestic abuse. The BEIS have highlighted in their recent report “Workplace support for victims of domestic abuse”, that few organisations have been aware of the signs of domestic abuse. Worrying,
Read more →Employing Foreign Nationals. Hiring someone from outside the UK? A criminal offence will be committed where a business employs an individual, and they have a reasonable cause to believe that they do not have the right to work in the UK. You could be fined up to £20,000 if you do not check this. Businesses have a legal duty to prevent illegal working, and can be subjected to penalties if they fail to comply. So if you have compliance concerns with regards foreign nationals, this post will provide you with answers and official go to links for you to use. Employing Foreign
Read more →Paid time off for the Covid vaccine? Unsure what decision to make? Speak to an HR expert at the Hive Collaborative today. ACAS have found that a quarter of British employers have not been giving their staff paid time off for Covid-19 vaccinations. Furthermore, they have no intention of doing so going forward. Is this the correct HR decision? Back to normality? At what time will Covid-19 rules and regulations fall into the same criteria as say getting a flu jab? At which point an employer should be reasonably allowed to ask staff to use their own time to get
Read more →Starting salaries increase at a quick pace, for permanent staff, due to a rising demand for staff and a further substantial drop in candidate supply. This is according to KPMG, and the REC (Recruitment and Employment Confederation) latest UK report on Jobs. Starting Salaries Increase Report The report highlights, the rate of salary inflation is the sharpest seen in almost 24 years of data collection. The availability of candidates continued to decline rapidly in July 2021, driven by concerns regarding job security due to the pandemic, a lack of European workers due to Brexit and a generally low UK unemployment
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